Saturday, January 30, 2010

Can you say...

For the last couple of months Cade has been throwing lots of fits. He will want something and if we don't know what it is or say no he looses it. Lots of times he will want us to do something with his toys and we won't have a clue what it is, then he cries, screams, and hits. So a couple of weeks ago I bought him some flashcards. I thought that maybe if he could start learning more words the communication barrier would not be so hard for him or us. Well yesterday I was so excited. Jeff got out his cards and Cade was repeating all the words after Jeff would say them. It was the cutest thing. All evening and this morning we will say a word and then have Cade repeat it. This morning Cade was laying in bed with Jeff and I so we started going over the parts of his body and he would repeat the word. When we got to fingers Cade layed there a minute thinking and then put both hands on his head and said, "I don't know." We busted out laughing and he laughed too. I guess there are some words that he is just not ready for ;) I know though that in no time he will be saying fingers and all kinds of things. I love hearing his sweet little voice. As for Caylee she is not saying words of course but she is beginning to roll over and can sit in the bumbo for quite awhile before she gets tired. I am so proud of both of them. It is so fun watching them grow and learn new things. I looove being a mommy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The true beauty of having a daughter

When I found out I was having a girl I was so excited I could hardly wait. We had Cade and had done all the sport decorations and little boy clothes. As fun and exciting as that was I was really looking forward to having another female in the house. Jeff said he was equally excited however, his actions didn't quite measure up. So I ask him what was going on. He said nothing and that he was just as excited about Caylee as he had been about Cade. After a few weeks I approached him again and found out that he was a little apprehensive about having a girl. He has five brothers and absolutely no sisters. He said he wouldn't know what to do with her and all the girly stuff that girls have. I told him it would be a piece of cake and that he would be fine. Well I think he has definetly done an excellent job of having a little girl. Yesterday we were going to spend the day out. He got the kids ready while I got ready myself. When I was finished he brought Caylee into our room and let me say, she was all dolled up. Her great aunt Rox had bought her an outfit that had a little pink tutu, her grandma had bought her some socks that look like dress shoes, and we had bought her some hairbows. He not only had her in her cute little tutu he also had on the little dress shoe socks and a matching hairbow. She looked so cute that we immediately started snapping pictures and I just had to share them with you. Here is our little doll ready to go shopping :) Great job Daddy!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Little Mini Me

To begin this story I must first tell you a little about myself. First of all, I love to take warm baths. I like being around people. I love to talk. I like to hear what other people have to say. I always enjoy a good laugh. I am very nosy. I don't need alot of sleep. I have the worst digestive system. And I am always ready to be up and about doing something. Now that being said, I must tell you about a VERY special little girl. My daughter Caylee. She is the sweetest happiest baby around. She has the Flowers physical traits but she has got MY big brown eyes. She loves to take warm baths. When I run the water over her in the morning she has the biggest smile on her little round face. She loves being around people. Caylee will smile from ear to ear when someone sits down by her or picks her up. And if you talk to her she will grin and always coo's something back. She will sit and listen to you talk for hours. She has even started learning how to laugh. I love it. Not only will she enjoy a good conversation but she is also a little nosy. She is always watching to see who is in the room, who leaves the room, and she constantly has her eyes on her crazy big brother. She loves to stay up late and usually gets up early. Sadly though, she does have an awful digestive system, which I am hoping gets better as she gets older. Caylee loves moving around and seeing what is going on in the house. I love that she is so happy and enjoys all the things that I do. When she is awake I can't pull myself away to take care of chores because her smile is so addicting. I love every second, every minute, and every day with her. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in Caylee can put a smile on my face. It is so much fun having her in my life and I look forward to all the fun times we will have together.