Sunday, May 23, 2010


This morning when Jeff got off of work we all ate breakfast together. When we were finished and we had spent a little time together, Jeff decided to hit the hay. He bent down and kissed Caylee. Then he kissed Cade and said, "Night night." Cade said,
"night night" and then grabbed his shirt and ran to his bed. Jeff and I kind of laughed and then went into his room to explain that he didn't have to go to bed but that his daddy did. :) Tonight Cade and I were sitting together and he was watching one of his favorite shows. At the end of the program he clapped his hands, waved, and said bye. His sweet innocence can melt my heart, bring tears to my eyes, or make me giggle inside. I will be so sad when he no longer has that childhood innocence, until then I will cherish every minute of it.