After I had Caylee I decided to start loosing weight. I knew that Thanksgiving and Christmas were right around the corner so I thought that I would start out slow. I am watching what I eat and workout a few times a week. I had mentioned on fb that Cade was great at doing squats. He would watch me and the video and do some of the exercises with me. Family members and I had joked that it is easier to continue working out if you have someone to workout with you. However, I had silently thought, "It is cute and I love watching him but he can't hold me accountable. Not like an adult can. It isn't like if I skip a few workouts he is going to tell me to get off my butt and get busy." Oh how wrong I was!! I had falllen off the weightloss wagon this week and haven't worked out a single time. Lastnight I was cooking supper and he comes and hands me the box with the videos and workout bands. Then he runs into the living room and stands in front of the tv just waiting to get started. So, needless to say I am going to have to get with it, before my pint sized coach gets after me. ;) I honestly don't know what I would do without him.
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