Thursday, December 15, 2011
Lastnight the kids were talking on their “phones”. I ask Cade who he was talking to and he said that it was Rox. I then ask what she was doing and he said that she was “tired”. So I told him that was because she was older than dirt. He got all wound up and said, “Oh no Rox is diiirrrttty?” I busted out laughing. However, the story gets better. A few minutes later Caylee walks up and says, “Rox is dirty.” I had to call and tell great aunt Rox the story. This morning the kids were playing and out of the blue Caylee says, “Granny is dirty.” Cade said, “No she not dirty.” Bahaha, it is so funny how their little minds work. Moral of the story: If my kids come up and tell you that you are dirty they really don’t mean anything by it.:) My apologies to Rox and Granny.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Cute Little Caylee
Caylee is so stinkin’ cute even if I do say so myself. This post is to recognize a few of her cutest moments in the last few weeks.
1) She loves to sing and dance. She will come up to me and sing happy and clap. Her favorite is “If your Happy and you know it.” I will sing it for her and she will perform all the moves until she gets so excited all she can do is squeal. When we go for walks if you are quite you can hear her sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” as we push her in the stroller. PRECIOUS!!
2) Because we are always telling the kids, “I love you” at random moments Caylee has started coming up to us and saying “I love you too” at random moments. Makes my heart flutter.
3) The other night I was going to watch a movie. Caylee ask me what I was doing. I told her I was going to watch a chic-flic. She then said, “Momma watch chicken.” Haha, such sweetness.
4) We always tell Caylee that she is our little Princess. Well it has kind of went to her head. Now every time we get her dressed she says, “I princess.” Then the other night Mom came over and Caylee was being ugly. So, I swatted her on the bottom. She started crying, looked up at Grandma, and in a pitiful little voice said, “Princess got spanking.” So hilarious now but not when she is a teenager. ;)
5) When Jeff is off we always try to do something fun as a family. This last weekend we took the kids to the park. We took a soccerball, football, baseball, and gloves. We were teaching Cade how to play soccer and I look up. Caylee went into the goal to get a ball and her head went right through the net. It is wrapped around her throat and she is hung squealing. It looked so funny. Wish we would have got a picture.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Daddy Will be so Proud
I don’t know how many of you watch America’s Got Talent but we def. watch it here. This year there was a guy on the show called, The Kinetic King. He was a little on the weird side but I loved him. He would spend hrs. stacking popsicle sticks and then make them drop like dominoes for his talent. I was more intrigued by his personality than anything. Anyways he would always say, “Oh yeah, woohoo.” His voice and lack of excitement really made the expression. Jeff started mimicking this guy when he wanted to tease me about liking him and we always laugh about it. Last week he taught Cade the expression and would have him repeat it. This afternoon I was checking to see what shows were on TV tonight. I was excited with the evening line up and said, “Yes!” As soon as it was out of my mouth I hear Cade say in a mediocre voice, “Oh yeah, woohoo.” I could have swore The Kinetic King was sitting right beside me. Haha, he didn’t have a clue what I was excited about but like his Daddy poked fun at the fact that once again Mommy was celebrating over nothing.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Stay-cation 2011
This past week Jeff was on vacation so we decided to take a stay-cation. I looked on the internet at different things here in Amarillo that we don’t normally do. I found prices and times and made a list of activities that I thought the kids as well as us would enjoy.
On Monday we went to Thompson park and had a picnic. After our picnic we went to the zoo. Both of the kids really seemed to enjoy themselves. At each and every stop Cade would say, “I see an animal. Let’s go find another animal.” About half way through he told me he could hear an elephant. However, there are no elephants there. After we left the zoo and was headed home I ask the kids what their favorite animal was. Cade said, “The zebra,” there wasn’t one, haha. And Caylee said, “I sleepy” with a big grin on her face. That night they had an ice cream M&M picnic and watched ABC animals in the living room.
On Tues. we got up and went to the botanical garden. It is small and not way exciting but we were able to talk to the kids about all the different colors and shapes. They loved being outside and walking through “the jungle” as Cade calls it. That afternoon we went to the Discovery Center. There were a million hands on act. For the kids. They had different act. With ping pong balls, blocks, legos, and bubbles. They had a place to learn how to rope. They had cowboy outfits and mirrors. They also had a performance stage and lots of instruments the kids could play. We will def. be getting a membership there for cold snowy days or days that it is too hot to go outside.
On Wed. we rested and then went to church that night. Then on Thurs. we took the kids to the WT football game. They have never been to a game so I packed books, stickers, and snacks to keep them occupied. On the way to Canyon Cade raised his arms and shouted, “Cade is so excited.” When we pulled up to the stadium he said, “Look it’s the football cow.” Haha! Once we were in we took them over to see the buffalo and then found our seats. They loved sitting behind the band and put on quite a dance show for the fans in our area. They clapped and cheered. And at the end of the game Cade cried all the way to the car. He begged to stay.
Friday and Sat. we spent our time in Borger celebrating birthdays. And what better way to end a special week than to spend time with Grandma and Papa. Lots of wonderful memories with my sweet babies. (I will upload an album of pictures on fb for those of you interested.)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Granny's Chair
A few months back my grandma broke her leg. Like most she has been using a walker and wheel chair to get around. And in my opinion is doing pretty well considering it was such a bad break. Well for the last few months anytime we mention Granny, Cade brings up her broke leg. Last night we went to Hobby Lobby so that I could get some things for the kids. When we walked into the door there were two wheel chairs sitting at the front of the store. I would have never even noticed them. However, as soon as we are in Cade goes running over and hollers over to us, “Look it’s Granny’s chair.” Haha he is so funny!! I guess he will forever relate wheel chairs to poor Granny and her broke leg. ;)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Boys and Boogers (2 for the price of 1)
Due to ridiculous temperatures I went against my better judgment and took the kids to play at the mall. It is a great place to burn off energy if school is in session. If not it is total chaos. Too many kids and some of them are WAY too big to be playing on the kiddy equipment. Of course this just happen to be one of those days. There were 3 boys there with their grandma and they were all well in their pre-teen years. Well little miss Caylee took a liking to them. I really didn’t think much about it until I look over and see my little diva in action. She is leaned against a pole, legs crossed at the feet, and arms crossed on her chest just a chatting away with these pre-teen boys. Her face is smitten, and mine is as white as a ghost. She isn’t even 2 and here she is standing like a 15 yr. old just a rattling away with these boys. I called her over and informed her that she was WAY to young to even go there and they were WAY too old. Dear God help us with this one, lol.
On another note. Last night Caylee was having issues with her nose. She notices a booger on her finger. She looks at me and says, “Oh no.” She then turns away and tries to put the booger back in her nose. Haha another very funny Caylee moment. God do I love that girl.
Smell My Pants
This evening I went to hang Cade’s clothes in his closet. Out of nowhere he comes up behind me and plants his face right in my behind. He then proceeds to sniff. I ask him what he was doing and he said, “Smelling my pants.” I then ask him if they smelt good and he said, “No mom they stink.” He never even cracked a smile. Then because Cade and Caylee always do everything alike, Caylee comes up and plants her face in my behind. And as you guessed it she takes a big whiff and says, “Stinky” while pinching her nose. Haha, I told them that I didn’t stink, and they went on about their business. Ah the touching moments of being a Mom. ;)
Peanut Butter Pits
A few months ago as I was bathing the kids I decided to start teaching them how to wash in the tub. I scrub them down really good and then hand the washrag over to them. We cover every body part and they think they are pretty smart doing so. After meal time I always hand them a wet-wipe and tell them to clean their hands and face. Well I started noticing that after Caylee washed her face and hands she would wipe her armpits. I know pretty funny huh? One day as I went to get the wipes I noticed peanut butter on her shirt under each arm. I thought weird how in the heck did she do that? Then I came out of my mommy fog and realized that she had split her sandwich and rubbed her armpits with it. LOL She has done this on two diff. occasions. Both times I missed her in action but always have a good laugh when I look down and see peanut butter on her shirt. She is such a silly girl.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Rocking Chair
I have always loved rocking my babies to sleep. Cade stopped wanting to rock when he was barely a year old. He would fight and scream and cry. It was awful. I finally gave in and would just put him in our bed and pat his butt until he would fall asleep and then put him in his crib. Then we found out we were going to have Caylee so at about 16 months old he went to a toddler bed. Every single night we read together and then turn out the lights. It took him a month or two to learn to stay in bed but then he never got up and would just fall asleep. A couple of times in the last few weeks he has ask me to rock him after I rock Caylee. Well today it brought me to tears. Not just tears but full blown bawling with boogers running everywhere. He crawled up here with his white shirt and lay here while I rocked. Then he reaches up and starts rubbing my cheek. He talked in a very quite voice. The conversation was about having two names, the color of our skin, and numbers. None of it made much sense but it was one of those rare moments where it is quite in the house and it is just me and my precious baby boy that will FOREVER be engraved in my heart. Moments like that don’t come everyday but when they do come the unconditional love and compassion burns in your soul like nothing else in this world!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Today I was going through some things in our filing cabinet. All of a sudden the kids are at my bedroom door and Cade is very excited. He said, “Momma we holding hands.” I look up from the mountain of papers and he raises his hand. Him and Caylee are holding hands smiling very proudly at me. I was pretty excited myself due to the fact that they usually spend the day fussing with each other. I ask him if he would like me to take a picture and he said yes. They were both really pleased with themselves, haha. Then this evening after dinner I was flipping through a mag. He comes running into the living room saying, “Brown, brown, Caylee brown.” Within seconds she comes out of the kitchen with a brown crayon. I walk around the corner and all my white cabinets are now brown, one wall is brown, my oven is brown, and the dishwasher (black) has waxy streaks all over the door. The crayons were in a bottom cabinet that has child-proof locks. However, Caylee managed to get her finger in the door just enough to get out a crayon. So this evening I will be scrubbing my kitchen from top to bottom, huh.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tonight the kids were playing while I was watching TV. Caylee stops and grabs her sippy cup. When she gets to my chair she shakes it showing me that it is empty and says, “Coffee, coffee.” LOL I said, “No I don’t think you need any coffee but I will get you some water.” She is so funny.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
New Phases
Due to the fact that Cade will only eat a few select things I have started trying to be really creative with some of my meals. He likes spaghetti so I have been making it a lot. I really like the Mac. Grill pasta meals they sell at the store. Tonight I decided to make one of those and add chicken. I thought surely he would eat the pasta and just dig out the chicken. He has had it before and really liked it. Well, I guess not!! As I called him and Caylee to dinner he put his hands on his hips and said, “Momma I don’t like yellow sketti. I don’t like it.” I said, “It’s not yellow it is more like white.“ He said, “I don’t like it.“ So I said, “Fine then don’t eat.” He ran off to his room and started playing. As I was cleaning up dishes he comes back into the kitchen. I then ask him, “Cade are you ready to eat?” He raised his eyebrows at me said no and then ran back to play. I couldn’t help but laugh once he got into the other room. He was so direct and matter-of-factly. He has also started a new phase of every morning crying when we brush his teeth. I am not sure what that is about but I am certain that it is probably just another weird little phase that will pass with time.
Derril Gene Part 2
The other day Cade and I made a WM run. When we come out of the store Cade got very excited. He was pointing and jabbering, so I looked up to see what was so great. He was pointing at an old black car coming across the lot. I looked at it and noticed that there was a little old couple in it. They were grinning and waving at Cade because he had noticed their car. Then the little old man honked at Cade. He didn’t know what to think when he heard the really old horn. I waved back to thank them for acknowledging him. It was a very sweet moment. As I took Cade to the car I thought about my dad and how he likes old cars and car shows. I couldn’t help but smile thinking about how proud Papa will be when he realizes that this little grandson has a love for cars just like him.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Derril Gene
Yesterday Cade was a very sick little boy. He spent all day in bed sleeping. So I got to spend all day with my sweet little princess. She crawled up in my lap and was showing me her eyes, nose, and mouth. Then she showed me her ears. I said, “Yeah Caylee has ears, she doesn’t use them to listen to Mommy but she has them.” It was at that point that I realized I had just quoted my dad. He was always telling me that I never used my ears to listen to him. And I thought, "Dear God I have turned into Derril Gene," lol. I do think that I turned out ok and that my dad (and mom) did a great job of raising me. So if I am turning into my parents I will be ok with that. :)
Dear God
The other night after dinner the kids were at the table eating yogurt. Caylee was getting hers everywhere and Cade was trying not to get his anywhere. :) I look up and said, “Oh Caylee.” Cade then replies, “What’d she do Momma?” I told him that she was making a mess. He then proceeds to put his elbow on the table with his spoon in the air and observe. As I clean her up Cade says, “Dear God….Momma please make her stop.” I just about fell out of my chair. He is so funny!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Mother's Day
On Sunday Jeff worked from sun up until sun down, so we celebrated my MD on Tues. I woke up to breakfast in bed. After we all got around and ready we went to Johnny's for lunch. That afternoon Jeff took us to play putt-putt. The kids were so cute. Caylee ran around with her club and ball and was very excited by everything that was going on. And Cade well he is going to be the next Tiger Woods. At every single hole he would walk up to the hole and place his ball right on the edge then he would tap it in with his club, too cute. One hole was on a hill after two attempts he holds the ball in the air above the hole, then bumps it with his club, and drops it in the hole. Precious!! Later that evening we had a picnic and then that night we went out for ice cream. Caylee and Cade each got their own and Caylee was determined to eat it all by herself. After fussing at her daddy over him helping her he gave in and handed her the spoon. She immediately dipped her spoon in and when she pulled it out and saw ice cream she looked him in the eye and with a smile as big as Dallas said, "Ta-da". As a mom I have learned that Mother's Day isn't about feeling good about being me. It is one more day to sit back and watch my precious babies and thank God for blessing me with these two little angels.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Just an Update
It has been awhile since I had a post so I decided to let everyone know what the Flowers family has been up to. :) Jeff is back on days and we LOVE it. He is working 3 on 3 off, for the most part, and he feels so much better than he did when he was working nights. I have been loving playing with the kids. We spend a lot of time in the backyard or we go out for rides to see what we can see around town. Some days we will take a trip to Canyon for Jeff's lunch. We go to the park and eat in the car while the kids stand in the seat, heads out the window, and quacking at the ducks. Haha, they love lunches with Daddy and the ducks. Caylee is still getting into anything and everything. Right now she loves cleaning, yeah for me. She talks all the time and can say and do everything Cade can do. Cade is also talking all the time. His stories usually make no sense what so ever but he gets to hear his own voice and loves the attention he gets when telling them. This week I am buying Caylee some panties and going to start training her to potty. She turned 18 months today but I feel very certain that she is ready and that she will do great. Just the other day Jeff said, "I love our life and where we are right now." I couldn't agree more. :) Anyways nothing super exciting just wanted to catch up.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Four Wheelin'
Every year we like to use our tax return to pay off bills. We always keep a little back though to use as “fun money.” This year we decided to use some of it to buy the kids power wheels. We found Caylee a little pink Beauty and the Beast four-wheeler, and for Cade we found a blue Yamaha four-wheeler. When we went to get them the kids were so excited. We went on and on about it and the excitement spread. As soon as we got home that night Jeff brought them into the kitchen. When he pulled Cade’s out of the box Cade said, “Oh my gosh!” He then jumped on it before Jeff could even get the wheels and steering wheel on. Then we pulled out Caylee’s. She loved it. She climbed right on and would not get off. She would sit for a min. and then stand on the seat for a min. (She is going to be our little dare devil.) The next day (after charging the batteries) we took the kids out to the backyard to ride. Caylee figured it out pretty quick and would cruise around the yard giggling. Cade on the other hand wants us to help him with his. He did push the pedal a few times but like everything he will have to warm up to it. We will def. have a fun spring and summer playing with their new rides.

Sunday, February 20, 2011
It's coming!!
I potty trained Cade when he was two because Caylee had just arrived and changing that many diapers a day was just gross, haha. The potty we bought was this cute little green frog. Recently, since Cade is getting bigger he is going over the top with his pottytime. (To put it nicely) So today we went to WM and I saw a bi-gender Elmo seat that you just put on your pot. I hyped it up and asked Cade if he would like to start using the Big Boy potty. (He is terrified of ours) He was so excited so we bought it. It took a little fussing, discussing, and a few tears but he is getting the hang of it. I am really NOT looking forward to teaching Caylee. All the accidents and going 5 billion times a day does not sound fun. However, tonight after we ate supper I took Cade to potty and when he was finished Caylee started to get on. I was wanting to clean up the dishes and didn't let her sit on it. OMG you would have thought it was the end of the world. So I guess as much as I am dreading it potty training round two is in my near future. Oh well at least we will be done with diapers. ;)
Music to my Ears
For over a yr. now when I make anything besides a pb&j, poptart, or go get donuts all I have heard is "Oh, yuck, shoooey." Thank you Cade. Well recently he has decided to start eating some of the things he used to love. One of those is spag. and fettucini. :) Tonight the entire time we were eating all I heard was, "Momma I love sketti. You great sketti, very good." I may get tired of reading Dr. Suess a million times a day, cleaning up bodily fluids, or always having toys laying around the house, BUT I will never get tired of hearing how great my cooking is. Thank you Cade, Mommy loves you.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Don't Eat That
When babies give kisses they are always open mouth, tongue, and lots of slobber. Jeff and I were talking last night and couldn't stop laughing. Every time Caylee tries to kiss Cade or if she is mad and tries to bite him he always does the same thing. He puts his hand over his head, runs, and says, "Caylee don't eat that." It is hilarious, she runs after him with her mouth wide open and giggling. They are such funny little creatures. ;)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Cade: 1. He will be 3 yrs. old on Friday. 2. He has finally stopped eating only pb&j :) 3. He loves to color, write, and read. His favorite is Dr. Seuss. I will never get tired of hearing him read The Cat in the Hat to me and his Daddy. 4. Caylee is his very best friend. He does everything with her including body slamming her on the couch. 5. He is a wonderful helper. 6. He has started telling me, "I don't want Momma's kisses." with a huge smile on his face. 7. He loves to play outside and has just recently started practicing a little baseball. 8. He wants to eat icecream every evening after dinner. 9. He is the cutest little boy I have ever seen. 10. Everyday he continues to teach me what unconditional love really means.
Caylee: 1. She will be 15 months old on the 9th. 2. She eats just about anything and everything. 3. She can say about a million words and has started going to Cade's potty. 4. Cade is her very best friend. She is always watching him very closely and wants to do everything that he gets to do. 6. She makes me laugh all day long while at the same time makes me want to pull my hair out. :) 7. She is the sunshine in our family. 8. She gives hugs and kisses all day long and usually when you least expect it. 9. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. 10. Everyday she teaches me to always be positive and show affection to those around me.
I am soo blessed to have these two little angels in my life, and I thank God for them everyday.
Caylee: 1. She will be 15 months old on the 9th. 2. She eats just about anything and everything. 3. She can say about a million words and has started going to Cade's potty. 4. Cade is her very best friend. She is always watching him very closely and wants to do everything that he gets to do. 6. She makes me laugh all day long while at the same time makes me want to pull my hair out. :) 7. She is the sunshine in our family. 8. She gives hugs and kisses all day long and usually when you least expect it. 9. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. 10. Everyday she teaches me to always be positive and show affection to those around me.
I am soo blessed to have these two little angels in my life, and I thank God for them everyday.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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