Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cute Little Caylee

Caylee is so stinkin’ cute even if I do say so myself. This post is to recognize a few of her cutest moments in the last few weeks.
1) She loves to sing and dance. She will come up to me and sing happy and clap. Her favorite is “If your Happy and you know it.” I will sing it for her and she will perform all the moves until she gets so excited all she can do is squeal. When we go for walks if you are quite you can hear her sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” as we push her in the stroller. PRECIOUS!!
2) Because we are always telling the kids, “I love you” at random moments Caylee has started coming up to us and saying “I love you too” at random moments. Makes my heart flutter.
3) The other night I was going to watch a movie. Caylee ask me what I was doing. I told her I was going to watch a chic-flic. She then said, “Momma watch chicken.” Haha, such sweetness.
4) We always tell Caylee that she is our little Princess. Well it has kind of went to her head. Now every time we get her dressed she says, “I princess.” Then the other night Mom came over and Caylee was being ugly. So, I swatted her on the bottom. She started crying, looked up at Grandma, and in a pitiful little voice said, “Princess got spanking.” So hilarious now but not when she is a teenager. ;)
5) When Jeff is off we always try to do something fun as a family. This last weekend we took the kids to the park. We took a soccerball, football, baseball, and gloves. We were teaching Cade how to play soccer and I look up. Caylee went into the goal to get a ball and her head went right through the net. It is wrapped around her throat and she is hung squealing. It looked so funny. Wish we would have got a picture.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Babies are so funny sometimes...Caylee is too cute! I wish I had a little princess!
