Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's in a name?

For several yrs. now I have teased my mom and dad about becoming older and am always calling them Grandma and Grandpa. :)So of course we call them that all the time now. They come over and see the kids often and we make several trips to Borger to spend time with them. Cade loves playing with them, of course being a boy he seems to favor my dad. He loves letting Grandpa pull him in the wagon or wrestle on the bed. If we go out to eat and he gets bored Grandpa is the first to take him outside or walk him around the restaurant. Well the other day Cade started saying a new word. He said Papa. Now as a mother every new word completely melts my heart. However, when he said Papa for the first time the look on my dad's face was priceless. I know without a doubt by the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes his heart melted a lot more than mine did that day. It was a very sweet moment that we will cherish forever. Here is a pict. of Cade and his Papa.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What's new...

So much is happening right now that I thought I better get with it and share. My little princess is doing and growing so much. She is almost crawling. She will get on her knees and rock back and forth and then belly-flop. I know any day now she will be chasing Cade all over the house. She loves giving kisses and loves playing with her big brother. As for Cade he loves playing with Caylee. He talks to her, shares toys, and hugs on her all the time. If it is time to put her down for a nap or bed and we forget to let him kiss her he goes nuts. He is also talking a lot now. He still jibber-jabbers some but most of the time you can pretty much carry on a conversation with him. He is also becoming very independent. He doesn't want to hold hands at town he wants to walk, or shall I say hop and jump on his own. He also loves to get into the cabinet and observe every snack 2-3 times before he picks the one he wants, lol. Jeff and I are doing well ourselves. His nights are going good and we both enjoy his schedule of 4 on 4 off. I can't believe that next week will be our anniversary and that we have already been married four yrs. Time sure does go fast. Here is a pic. of our beautiful babies.