Saturday, May 21, 2011

Derril Gene

Yesterday Cade was a very sick little boy. He spent all day in bed sleeping. So I got to spend all day with my sweet little princess. She crawled up in my lap and was showing me her eyes, nose, and mouth. Then she showed me her ears. I said, “Yeah Caylee has ears, she doesn’t use them to listen to Mommy but she has them.” It was at that point that I realized I had just quoted my dad. He was always telling me that I never used my ears to listen to him. And I thought, "Dear God I have turned into Derril Gene," lol. I do think that I turned out ok and that my dad (and mom) did a great job of raising me. So if I am turning into my parents I will be ok with that. :)

Dear God

The other night after dinner the kids were at the table eating yogurt. Caylee was getting hers everywhere and Cade was trying not to get his anywhere. :) I look up and said, “Oh Caylee.” Cade then replies, “What’d she do Momma?” I told him that she was making a mess. He then proceeds to put his elbow on the table with his spoon in the air and observe. As I clean her up Cade says, “Dear God….Momma please make her stop.” I just about fell out of my chair. He is so funny!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day

On Sunday Jeff worked from sun up until sun down, so we celebrated my MD on Tues. I woke up to breakfast in bed. After we all got around and ready we went to Johnny's for lunch. That afternoon Jeff took us to play putt-putt. The kids were so cute. Caylee ran around with her club and ball and was very excited by everything that was going on. And Cade well he is going to be the next Tiger Woods. At every single hole he would walk up to the hole and place his ball right on the edge then he would tap it in with his club, too cute. One hole was on a hill after two attempts he holds the ball in the air above the hole, then bumps it with his club, and drops it in the hole. Precious!! Later that evening we had a picnic and then that night we went out for ice cream. Caylee and Cade each got their own and Caylee was determined to eat it all by herself. After fussing at her daddy over him helping her he gave in and handed her the spoon. She immediately dipped her spoon in and when she pulled it out and saw ice cream she looked him in the eye and with a smile as big as Dallas said, "Ta-da". As a mom I have learned that Mother's Day isn't about feeling good about being me. It is one more day to sit back and watch my precious babies and thank God for blessing me with these two little angels.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just an Update

It has been awhile since I had a post so I decided to let everyone know what the Flowers family has been up to. :) Jeff is back on days and we LOVE it. He is working 3 on 3 off, for the most part, and he feels so much better than he did when he was working nights. I have been loving playing with the kids. We spend a lot of time in the backyard or we go out for rides to see what we can see around town. Some days we will take a trip to Canyon for Jeff's lunch. We go to the park and eat in the car while the kids stand in the seat, heads out the window, and quacking at the ducks. Haha, they love lunches with Daddy and the ducks. Caylee is still getting into anything and everything. Right now she loves cleaning, yeah for me. She talks all the time and can say and do everything Cade can do. Cade is also talking all the time. His stories usually make no sense what so ever but he gets to hear his own voice and loves the attention he gets when telling them. This week I am buying Caylee some panties and going to start training her to potty. She turned 18 months today but I feel very certain that she is ready and that she will do great. Just the other day Jeff said, "I love our life and where we are right now." I couldn't agree more. :) Anyways nothing super exciting just wanted to catch up.