Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's coming!!

I potty trained Cade when he was two because Caylee had just arrived and changing that many diapers a day was just gross, haha. The potty we bought was this cute little green frog. Recently, since Cade is getting bigger he is going over the top with his pottytime. (To put it nicely) So today we went to WM and I saw a bi-gender Elmo seat that you just put on your pot. I hyped it up and asked Cade if he would like to start using the Big Boy potty. (He is terrified of ours) He was so excited so we bought it. It took a little fussing, discussing, and a few tears but he is getting the hang of it. I am really NOT looking forward to teaching Caylee. All the accidents and going 5 billion times a day does not sound fun. However, tonight after we ate supper I took Cade to potty and when he was finished Caylee started to get on. I was wanting to clean up the dishes and didn't let her sit on it. OMG you would have thought it was the end of the world. So I guess as much as I am dreading it potty training round two is in my near future. Oh well at least we will be done with diapers. ;)

Music to my Ears

For over a yr. now when I make anything besides a pb&j, poptart, or go get donuts all I have heard is "Oh, yuck, shoooey." Thank you Cade. Well recently he has decided to start eating some of the things he used to love. One of those is spag. and fettucini. :) Tonight the entire time we were eating all I heard was, "Momma I love sketti. You great sketti, very good." I may get tired of reading Dr. Suess a million times a day, cleaning up bodily fluids, or always having toys laying around the house, BUT I will never get tired of hearing how great my cooking is. Thank you Cade, Mommy loves you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Don't Eat That

When babies give kisses they are always open mouth, tongue, and lots of slobber. Jeff and I were talking last night and couldn't stop laughing. Every time Caylee tries to kiss Cade or if she is mad and tries to bite him he always does the same thing. He puts his hand over his head, runs, and says, "Caylee don't eat that." It is hilarious, she runs after him with her mouth wide open and giggling. They are such funny little creatures. ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Cade: 1. He will be 3 yrs. old on Friday. 2. He has finally stopped eating only pb&j :) 3. He loves to color, write, and read. His favorite is Dr. Seuss. I will never get tired of hearing him read The Cat in the Hat to me and his Daddy. 4. Caylee is his very best friend. He does everything with her including body slamming her on the couch. 5. He is a wonderful helper. 6. He has started telling me, "I don't want Momma's kisses." with a huge smile on his face. 7. He loves to play outside and has just recently started practicing a little baseball. 8. He wants to eat icecream every evening after dinner. 9. He is the cutest little boy I have ever seen. 10. Everyday he continues to teach me what unconditional love really means.
Caylee: 1. She will be 15 months old on the 9th. 2. She eats just about anything and everything. 3. She can say about a million words and has started going to Cade's potty. 4. Cade is her very best friend. She is always watching him very closely and wants to do everything that he gets to do. 6. She makes me laugh all day long while at the same time makes me want to pull my hair out. :) 7. She is the sunshine in our family. 8. She gives hugs and kisses all day long and usually when you least expect it. 9. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. 10. Everyday she teaches me to always be positive and show affection to those around me.
I am soo blessed to have these two little angels in my life, and I thank God for them everyday.