Monday, July 26, 2010


Today I busted my butt cleaning, doing laundry, ironing, and taking care of the kids. So tonight Jeff offered to bathe the kids while I drank a chocolate mocha. After he had bathed each of them he took Caylee out and dried her off. When he finished with her he went to get Cade out. While busy with Caylee, Cade decided to take a dump in the tub. When Jeff looked around the door Cade was picking up the terds and throwing them back into the water, haha. Then when Jeff made him stop and got him out he cried, lol. I offered to go clean the tub again but Jeff was nice enough to do it for me. He got an old coffee can and fished the terds out of the tub before scrubbing it down for me. This was one night I was sooo thankful Jeff was off and had offered to bathe the kids, lol. ;)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

All in a Days Time

For a couple of weeks now little Miss Caylee has been army crawling. Well the other day she got up on all fours and is now a full fledged crawler. On that same day I left the room for just a few short minutes and when I came back she was PULLING UP on her walker. What the heck?! That's not all though. That night after I bathed her, she started using her bath towel to play peek-a-boo with me. No joke she mastered all the skills in just one days time. I can't believe how fast she is growing and learning. I know kids grow up fast, but to see them accomplish everything in one short day is just too overwhelming. I will definetly have to keep on my toes with this one, haha. She is such a loving little girl and loves to play with her big brother. Being a mother of two is everything I dreamed and so much more.

Great Job Babe

The other night before Jeff went into work we were bowling on the Wii. Cade loves watching us play. Every time I got a strike Jeff would say, "Good job babe." Cade always cheers us on. However, on this paticular day he decided to repeat everything. So every time Jeff would say good job babe, Cade would say it. It was so funny. When we finished I said, "No Cade, I am Momma not Babe." He pointed to his chest and said, "I am Momma." Huh that boy. I love him to death. He is so silly!! As for the potty training he is still doing really good. He is using the potty more and more and his underwear less. :) He is also doing a great job of sharing with his sister and usually doesn't have to be reminded. I can't believe he is already almost 2 and a half. The time is flying by but I am loving every minute, and am so blessed to have this sweet little boy in my life.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Potty, teeth, and toes, goodbyes and hello's.

Our life is like a roller coaster right now. A really fun and exciting one. The kids are doing so many new and diff. things. Cade is learning to wear big boy undies. He is doing so good. We have only been at it about four days but he is already having fewer accidents and he is not even 2 and a half yrs. old. I am soo proud of him. Today Caylee wanted to sit in the bathroom with us. So I had her on my lap while Cade sat on his froggy potty. While he sat there he counted her toes. It was so cute. Caylee now has two teeth and looks absoulutely adorable. She sits up on her own and has mastered army crawling. She is so fast and into EVERYTHING. The other night while Cade and I were in the bathroom she got a hold of my coke and dumped it all over the laptop. Huhhh! I am running between the two of them night and day and loving every minute of it. Caylee has also learned to wave. It is so sweet! She sits in the middle of the living room waving all day, haha. I don't know if she is saying goodbye or hello, but she loves to wave. I am so THANKFUL that I get to be home with my babies to watch them learn and grow. It is such a blessing to be here and witness each and every milestone. :)