Sunday, November 22, 2009

Two Cups

Ever since I was small I always knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mommy. I also knew that I wanted two children. I wanted a boy and a girl and I wanted the boy to be oldest. When I found out I was having Cade I was a basket of mixed emotions. Notice I said mixed emotions and not a basket case, there is a difference. :) Anyways I was so excited but also a little nervous knowing that I was going to have this little person that I was not only responsible for taking care of, but also teaching to do the right things, and to be a good person. Once he got here though my heart melted, and for the first time I not only knew but felt what "my cup runneth (sp) over" actually meant. And now not only do I have one little cup running over but two. Caylee is so sweet. I love having my own little princess. It is so fun to dress her up in those little tiny dresses and put bows in her hair. In pics she looks alot like Cade but in person she has her own sweet little face and her own little personality. Having her is everything I dreamed having a daughter would be. I hope that her and I will always have a close relationship, and that one day we will not only be mother and daughter, but best friends as well.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww!!!! That is such a good post! You are such an awesome mother!!! Your kids and Jeff are very lucky to have you!!! Sweeeeeet! :)
