Thursday, February 3, 2011


Cade: 1. He will be 3 yrs. old on Friday. 2. He has finally stopped eating only pb&j :) 3. He loves to color, write, and read. His favorite is Dr. Seuss. I will never get tired of hearing him read The Cat in the Hat to me and his Daddy. 4. Caylee is his very best friend. He does everything with her including body slamming her on the couch. 5. He is a wonderful helper. 6. He has started telling me, "I don't want Momma's kisses." with a huge smile on his face. 7. He loves to play outside and has just recently started practicing a little baseball. 8. He wants to eat icecream every evening after dinner. 9. He is the cutest little boy I have ever seen. 10. Everyday he continues to teach me what unconditional love really means.
Caylee: 1. She will be 15 months old on the 9th. 2. She eats just about anything and everything. 3. She can say about a million words and has started going to Cade's potty. 4. Cade is her very best friend. She is always watching him very closely and wants to do everything that he gets to do. 6. She makes me laugh all day long while at the same time makes me want to pull my hair out. :) 7. She is the sunshine in our family. 8. She gives hugs and kisses all day long and usually when you least expect it. 9. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. 10. Everyday she teaches me to always be positive and show affection to those around me.
I am soo blessed to have these two little angels in my life, and I thank God for them everyday.

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