Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sh-- Happens

Have you ever heard the expression "shit happens"? Yeah me too. However, after this evening it takes on a whole new meaning to me. After we ate dinner we were all sitting in the living room. A nice peaceful little family. Well Cayleebug started fussing so Jeff said he would go change her diaper. It just so happens that it was a dirty one and when he got back to her room he realized the wipes were in the front. So he comes carrying her by her little hands and feet into the living room, crap and all. I ask him what he is doing and he says, "Where are the wipes?" I told him that they were right beside me and why didn't he holler. He cleans her up and redresses her. Well now Cade is fussing. He comes up to me and is rubbing his hand so I say,"Ah did you hurt your hand? You will be ok." I see Caylee's dirty diaper still laying in the floor so I pick it up and toss it into the diaper pail. Cade is still fussing and rubbing his hand so I bend down and kiss it. Then it hits me, that kiss tasted funny. I look at his hand more closely and yep you guessed it. He has Caylee's crap all over him. He hates his hands being dirty, he wasn't hurt he was sticky and stinky. The taste in my mouth, crap!! I clean him up and then immediately go brush my teeth. Oh I am soo irritated at Jeff for not asking for help and for leaving a dirty diaper in the floor. It has been a little over an hour now and I am still trying to take deep breaths and not barf everywhere. I am sure as one of my followers you are on the floor laughing, I am not. However, I know that one day I will look back at this and laugh. I also know that you are all wondering about Jeff. Don't worry he is still alive and I still love him, he is just in time out for now. Huh, shit happens!! ;)